1928 June 14, Ernesto Che Guevara was born in the city of Rosario, an important town in Argentina
1933 Guevara family moves to alta gracia.
1934 Home schooding bengins.
1937 Enrolls in primary school.
1942 Begins high school at Colegio Nacionl Dean Funes.
1943 Guevara family moves to Cordoba.
1946 Graduates from Colegio Nacionl Dean Funes.
1947 Guevara family moves to Buenos Aires : Guevara Begins Madical School.
1950 He Travels on motorbaike through northen Argentina.
1951 Works for six months as male nurse adoard petrol thankers.
1952 Trabveis through latian America with Alberto granado, volunteens at leprosarium in Pure.
1953 Back in Buenos Aires, he finished his studies in medicines.
1954 invasion of Guatemala against Arbenz's goverment. Guevara had to escape to Mexico, where he met Cuban exiles.
1955 he met Fidel Castro the real leader of cuba who told him about his plans to invade Cuba. He joined the group and started his military training.
1957 Che was named commander. By the end of the year, the war in Cuba entered the decisive stage.
1958 Che's column fought its final battle and overtook Santa Clara. :Batista flees Cuba.
1959 Appointed Commande of La Cabanna fortress: named President of bthe National Bank Cuba.
1960 Che finished his book "Guerra de guerrillas"("Guerrilla warefare"), published under the responsibilty of the Rebel Department's Instruction Deparment. Its first edition is censored all over Latin America.
1961 Appointed Minister of Industries.
1962 The Russian rocket crisis obligates him to take his military place in Pinar del Rio.
Guevara in 1960, walking through the streets of Havana with his wife |
1964 Decides to leave Cuba:speak at the UN:travels in Africa.
965 he moved to Brazzaville, Congo, where he discussed the anti-imperialistic struggle in Africa with president Alphonse Massemba Debat.
1966 he had to leave Congo and went back to Cuba. From March to June he travelled through Uruguay, Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina and Bolivia.
1967 Leads guernila operations:captured at Quebrada del Yuro and summarily executed in La Higuera.
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